December 24, 2015: Stripers were missing in action. Blues turned out to be the new bass. Less intrepid surfcasters would have been down in their cups this 2015 season. To be sure, I was. But NOT Charlie R.

“Verizon Charlie”, as we know him on the beach, simply set his sights elsewhere: on False Albacore—those sleek and swift swimming little tunny known to anglers as “Albies”.  They don’t make good eating, and they don’t weigh a whole lot.  But Albies kick up quite a commotion when they’re around and they run and fight like nothing else if you’re skilled enough to hook one. Verizon Charlie chased them in Montauk, Southampton, and the Long Island Sound waters near his Port Jefferson home. In his honor, Big Brother Frank and I present this year’s Fishmas Card: “Albie Home For Christmas”. Jingle, Jingle, y’all!


(To the tune of I’ll Be Home for Christmas, with apologies to Kim Gannon, Walter Kent, Buck Ram and Bing Crosby) 

Albie home for Christmas

But you will not catch me.

Cast ‘til dawn, but I’ll be gone

Opening presents under the tree.

Northeast wind will find me

But I will never bite.

Keep your blues, and fishing news

I’ll tease you just for spite.

Albie in the Weed Bowl

Water deep, deep blue.

Stripers here, that bunker fear

I’m here, just not for you.

Albie in Port Jefferson

My blitz, a sight to see.

Many try, most I defy

Except Verizon Charlie.

Albie home for Christmas

When the baitfish gleams.

Sharpies try to hook me

But only in their dreams.

One Response to “MERRY FISHMAS 2015”

  1. Big Cee says:

    I’m honored……

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